主演:帕特里克·斯图尔特 Tom Rhys Harries Jessamine-Bliss Bell 塔姆金·莫钦特
简介:巨龙Drago(帕特里克·斯图尔特配音)曾与Gareth国王结合。 国王死后,他的潜在继承人双胞胎孙辈相互争夺王位。 当Drago的力量源强 “心火” 被盗时,国家危在旦夕......
地区:爱尔兰 Ireland
主演:肖娜·麦克唐纳 Leah McNamara Ross Noble
简介:Paralyzed after a terrible accident, Dana struggles to regain her life and family when she encounters a malevolent ghost in her hospital room.
导演:Rhys Chapman
主演:Chris Mason Leeshon Alexander Troy Glasgow David McGranaghan
简介:A film by Rhys Chapman, which tackles one of football's biggest issues - homophobia. Starring Chris Mason, the film depicts the inner turmoil of a gay professional footballer. The film is part of a na...
导演:Rhys Thomas
主演:阿什丽·格林尼 Katie Cockrell Kellie Cockrell
简介:Pals Danny and Frank spend the summer after high school working as spend as lifeguards while figuring out what their future.
主演:Jonathan Rhys Meyers Henry Cavill James Frain Annabelle Wallis
简介:(by 华丽到不能再华丽的华丽)Showtime出品的历史剧“都铎王朝”,与其说是一个显赫王朝的兴衰史,不如说是一个偏执狂和杀妻狂的罗曼史。《时代周刊》曾刊文道:“如果16世纪有八卦小报,亨利八世一定是每期的封面人物。”的确,这位才华横溢且私欲膨胀的英国国王,一生娶了六个妻子,在历史上曾留下无数瞩目的争议。在前两季中,由于王后凯瑟琳只诞下了一个女儿玛丽,苦无子嗣继位的亨利八世对她不再宠幸,转而爱上...